Monday, January 23, 2012

Still More Spoilers for Dopes1

The Shining (1980): Jack Nicholson’s character, Jack, starts acting a little weird

Dallas (1978–1991): It was all a dream.

 Psycho (1960): If you’re just now about to start watching it, Psycho is a quaint,
well-crafted, scary little movie with nothing particularly shocking in it.

  Apollo 13 (1995): They never land on the moon.
All those crazy websites were right!2

Batman (1989): Jack Nicholson’s character, Jack, starts acting a little weird.


Psycho (1960): If you’re just now about to start watching it in 1960,
it will blow your fucking mind.

The Shining (1980): If these girls don’t scare the crap out of you, nothing will.


Return of the Jedi (1983): Can you believe this is what
James Earl Jones looked like thirty years ago?

The Shining (1980): This was not a good era for carpet patterns.

Return of the Jedi (1983): This movie is going to be awesome. It’d take, like,
an entire army of savage caveman teddybears to mess it up. 

The Shining (1980): The elevator is out of order.

1. If you have no idea what this all means, check here. Sorry, no, we meant here.
2. If this actually does give something away about Apollo 13, you should be at least slightly embarrassed. This actually happened in the real world. There are books about it and everything.


  1. Literally, the only episode of "Dallas" that I ever saw was the one where Patrick Duffy's character died. Don't ruin that for me.

    1. The only way your "Dallas"-watching resumé could be improved from here is if the other episode you watched was the one where somebody shot J.R.

      Although I guess he lived, too. TV is such a disappointment with its unrealistic, unsatisfying violence. That's why we refuse to watch anything but rollerball.
